Steps to your personal exfoliation
- Hop in the shower
- Keep the water off
- scrub yourself down with your home made salt scrub using 2-3 tablespoons of paste (paying attention to belly, back, joints, etc.).
- Do not rub hard and do not agitate areas you shave (shaving exfoliates already).
- Turn on the warm shower and rinse off.
- Turn the water to ICE COLD and monitor your breathing while you immerse yourself for 30 seconds of cold. Keep breathing, please.
- Turn off the shower and towel off.
- I think it is obvious to get dressed; but I'll state it anyway.
- If you are sick enjoy your cozy pajamas and if you are healthy go off to work feeling invigorated.
By doing this you are going to:
- Remove dead skin cells
- Increase skin health and elimination
- Improve absorption through the skin (great for essential oil use and vitamins from the sun)
- Improve your immunity
- Improve your energy
When to use exfoliation:
- (I use it when I have a cold/flu)
- Chronic illness
- Indigestion
- Sluggish circulation
- Low energy
- Dry skin
- Mild skin conditions
Unfortunate there are some general contraindications for exfoliations treatments. Be wary if you have any of the following:
- Acute inflammation (acne, rosacea, infections, abrasions)
- Varicose veins
- Ulcers, abscesses or open sores
- Eczema (extreme)
- Acute Illness
- Areas shaved within the last 3 days