
Your skin is the largest organ you have that removes waste.  You can use this to your advantage and increase your health by doing making your own salt scrub and applying it before a shower.  There are some contraindications; please be aware of them before you try this at home.

Steps to your personal exfoliation

  • Hop in the shower
  • Keep the water off
  • scrub yourself down with your home made salt scrub using 2-3 tablespoons of paste (paying attention to belly, back, joints, etc.).
  • Do not rub hard and do not agitate areas you shave (shaving exfoliates already).
  • Turn on the warm shower and rinse off.
  • Turn the water to ICE COLD and monitor your breathing while you immerse yourself for 30 seconds of cold. Keep breathing, please.
  • Turn off the shower and towel off.
  • I think it is obvious to get dressed; but I'll state it anyway.
  • If you are sick enjoy your cozy pajamas and if you are healthy go off to work feeling invigorated.
By doing this you are going to:
  1. Remove dead skin cells
  2. Increase skin health and elimination
  3. Improve absorption through the skin (great for essential oil use and vitamins from the sun)
  4. Improve your immunity
  5. Improve your energy

When to use exfoliation:

  • (I use it when I have a cold/flu)
  • Chronic illness
  • Indigestion
  • Sluggish circulation
  • Low energy
  • Dry skin
  • Mild skin conditions

Unfortunate there are some general contraindications for exfoliations treatments.  Be wary if you have any of the following:

  • Acute inflammation (acne, rosacea, infections, abrasions)
  • Varicose veins
  • Ulcers, abscesses or open sores
  • Eczema (extreme)
  • Acute Illness
  • Areas shaved within the last 3 days