Kinesomatic Programming

Kinesomatic Programming

Kinesomatic Programming trains the mind to listen to the body, allowing it to move efficiently.  The process begins by learning to sense and feel which muscles are contracting during movement.  The deep core muscles are targeted first.  A combination  of relaxation techniques, exercises, and tissue manipulation are used to guide the client in the discover of core muscle awareness and control, leading to an integrated, programmed body.

Core Muscle Groups

The concept of the "core" is a commonly discussed topic with varying opinions.  More often than not it is also a confusing one.  Kinesomatic Programming breaks the concept of the "core" down to the anatomical level.  Individual muscles are discussed and isolated to improve core use.  The strong, stabilizing muscles of the abdomino-pelvic region (iliopsoas, deep abdominals, spinal erectors, hamstrings, and deep hip rotators), are the foundation f the core.  This foundation allows for a connected body from head to toe, and is the starting point of all movement in the programmed body.

The Programmed Body

Once the foundation of the core is in place the appendages can be tied in.  Movements in the arms and legs have origin front eh connection tot he core of the body.  Choreography and athletic movement are broken down to individual components. These smaller sects are analyzed for correct core usage and connection, and then re-patterned and programmed to integrate all aspects of the larger movement into the core of the body.  The results are better proprioception and balance, refined motor control, reduced injury, more powerful and graceful action, and increased confidence and ability.

Fun science about the brain and movement

For those unwilling to take the time to read the article I'll paraphrase it.

Athletes are more efficient in the neurons they use.  They have this skill because the brain is maleable and when it sends a command it takes into account the response.  It improves the efficiency of its commands with each outcome.

Athletes who are more practiced perform better and are better able to anticipate an outcome with only seeing the beginning movement.

Athletes with less experience in practice can only guess what outcomes will be.

"These studies are beginning to answer the question of what makes some people great athletes: They are just able to rewire their brains according to certain rules. As neuroscientists decipher those rules, they may find ways to give people better skills."

They tried out a theory of using an electrode whenever patterning a new skill.  Those with the electrode remembered better how to do the exercise after months of not practicing.

It definitely questions what is the future ethics in sport training.

Push down to extend (go up)

I witnessed Brian wrestling with one of our students. He was explaining a few things that he had learned in his wrestling years of high school. I was next to the wrestling mats instructing a student so I wasn't always aware of what was going on.

Every once in a while I was distracted by how deeply set Brian was in his center.

Now Brian's legs cannot straighten. That has a ripple affect through his body making it very difficult to stay in his center. This is why I was surprised. While he was wrestling he was unconsciously and continually in his center.

Later we discussed this amazing feat. How could he be so steadfast in his center while wrestling and not find the same ease while dancing.

I think this kind of led to a quest. Last night he came home with one of his dance "aha!" moments.

When he was wrestling he was constantly pushing into the ground. That is the only way to keep yourself aware and ready for what your opponent will do. This pressing into the ground requires the use of Hamstrings, Psoas, Lats, and the Transverse Abdominus.

During dance Brian would start trying to present and it would pull him out of low and high center.

After realizing this he demonstrated a before and after. Using the ground created an astounding difference. Without it his movement was flying all over and looked out of control. With the grounded appearance his muscles were toned and his movement was more efficient, it also grabbed the eye while creating interest.