Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Basics of what we do in the office

DanceCore primarily teaches the untouchables, "innate use of core" and such, including getting your personal structural deviations reduced to allow efficient and free movement.

We base our teaching in kinesiology, anatomy, movement analysis, and several posture and relaxation techniques such as Pilates, Alexander Method, Feldenkrais, and Structural. With this background we also teach movement training to other forms of dance, athletes, singers, actors, or anyone that moves. The instruction is based on principles of movement that create the foundation of stability, flexibility, strength and quickness.


Tensegrity image used with permission

Your body is fully connected with this fascia running from bone to muscle and back again.  The fascia has no beginning or end, (and in my opinion takes up more space than muscle), which translates to the body being fully connected.  When one portion of your fascia gets tight and misaligned it will pull the rest of the body.  If it is not adjusted fairly quickly it has a dominoe affect in pulling other body parts out of alignment.  This results in stiffness, misalignment, and eventually pain.  (Note that because the sphere is resting on the table the shape is slightly compressed.)

Viewing clothes
For men we require mid-thigh compression shorts/biker shorts.  For women we require a colored sports bra and either fitted swim bottoms or mid-thigh biker shorts.  We do this to make access to muscles simpler for the therapis and our clients have felt that it feels like a safer environment than sheets.  

Cleaning scary stuff off tables and being green

We have found cleaning supplies without chlorine bleach that kill H1N1, E-coli, Mrsa, bacteria, virus', and fungus.  We use eco-friendly laundry detergents that are scent free in order to protect clients with sensitive skin.  When working on feet and armpits we have a hand sanitizer that does contain alcohol to prevent the spread of bacteria to other parts of your body.

At DanceCore we combine Structural, energy release, and core training in order to make bodywork as painless and longlasting as possible.  It is common to have SER's (Somato Emotional Releases) as you allow your muscle fibers to lengthen and your fascia to be heated and moved.  

Our goal is similar to chasing a rabbit through a field.  We comb the whole field and therefore find all the rabbits instead of chasing the one we thought was the problem.